Our team will be traveling to Haiti - each one having felt God tugging at their hearts to trust in him and answer his call to serve our brothers and sisters in need. With each step of obedience to God’s calling, we leave behind our worldly possessions and focus on being His hands and feet to others; asking for Him to help us see other as he sees them; to share what he has blessed us with in giving to others; and to love others as he loves. This blog is a way for us to share with you, our family and friends, what God has put on our hearts; how he speaks to us while we are in Haiti, and for you to be part of our journey. We thank you for your support through laughter and tears, prayers and songs of praise, financial support and encouragement, and sharing God’s love with each of us. We feel very privileged to be a part of the plan that God has for our brothers and sisters in Haiti. To God Be All The Glory!!
-Lisa Bless-Renstrom
Febraury 28- March 7 Trip Leader
I am so excited to be returning to Haiti! I went for the first time with my husband in Nov ’10 and God changed me. I have always had a heart for missions but it was so overwhelming. There are so many needs, who would I give to and how would I know if the money I gave would actually be used to help. So with all of these thoughts I chose to do nothing. When Eagle Brook started talking about missions last summer, I heard God’s whisper. I chose to be obedient even though I had no idea where the money would come from or the purpose of my going.
While in Haiti, I was separated from all of life’s distractions like my job, computer, phone, family, friends, obligations and to do list. My only job was to surrender. I was supposed to slow down and listen to God’s whisper, to truly be in the present! I felt that I had one ear listening to this world and the other ear waiting for God to prompt me. A small naked and dirty little boy came up to me and ask me to pick him up and I could hear God asking me, “Will you love the least of these? Will you surrender and be my hands and feet?” Working at Mother Theresa’s was the same. I was able to pray over these babies and to give the healing gift of touch. I was representing Jesus’ arms. That is a powerful thing! Then playing with the kids at the orphanages and seeing these children that are being given food, shelter, education and learning of God’s love. These children are the future of Haiti. What a blessing to be a part of building up these children so that they can break out of the bonds of poverty and start to understand their value, we value them, God values them.
God has used Haiti to open my eyes. I have heard Pastor Bob say that we are the top 5% wealthiest in the world and I would say to myself, “Yes, but we live in America and here we are just barely making it.” After seeing how these beautiful people are living and their amazing faith, I am realize how much I have been given. I can no longer stand by while people that I have seen and touched are thirsty, hungry and sick. I will be part of the solution. I learned in Haiti that I could be in the present and hear God’s voice, so now that I am back in Minnesota I am learning to do the same.
I am returning to Haiti for a couple of reasons. One is that I want to be a part of the solution in helping the poor, sick, orphaned and widowed. I also want to continue to build relationships with the Haitians. I have a handful of people that I know God put into my path and they touched my heart and I can’t wait to see them again. The final reason is to be a part of showing my fellow Christians the truth about surrendering to God’s will and to start living a purposeful life. That together if we can make a difference when we each do our part. What an amazing journey our life can be! I can’t wait to hear the stories of God’s amazing transformation in each of my teammates .
- Jenn Imsland
I have to say that God indeed does have a sense of humor. For me this will be the third time in a year to go to Haiti. I have told others... I may have left Haiti but Haiti hasn't left me. The third calling for me came just a few weeks ago. On Feb. 1st our small mens group was meeting and some of the members had asked me when are you going back to Haiti. I told them I wasn't sure, but thought it would be a good idea as a small group to go on a mission trip together and some of the heads were nodding yes. That night before I went to bed I decided to check my voice mail and here was my call. Will you be willing to go back to Haiti to help with the team that is going. I went into work the next day and received the vacation time to go and now in a few days the team will be back in Haiti. What has been funny is other friends have come up to me and said I hear you are going back to Haiti and this was prior to the call.
Last night was the commissioning service and to
hear the prayer requests of the team members was such a blessing. They are praying to go with no expectations or presumptions but to be used by God,they want to be changed,they want to be broken for what breaks God's heart, they want to be obedient to the voice of God and be a fast responder, to let Him speak more clearly about the purpose for their life, to help the widows and the orphan's, to be the hands and feet of Jesus,to give and and be a sacrifice,to follow where He leads them, to be uncomfortable but comforted by God.
It is going to be exciting see how these hearts and hands and will become the instruments of God extended hands to the lovely people of Haiti.
Each of the team members are having a chapter written on there hearts by God. They are following. The song below describes their obedience.
Charlie Kuhl
February 28th to March 7th Trip Leader
Last night was the commissioning service and to
hear the prayer requests of the team members was such a blessing. They are praying to go with no expectations or presumptions but to be used by God,they want to be changed,they want to be broken for what breaks God's heart, they want to be obedient to the voice of God and be a fast responder, to let Him speak more clearly about the purpose for their life, to help the widows and the orphan's, to be the hands and feet of Jesus,to give and and be a sacrifice,to follow where He leads them, to be uncomfortable but comforted by God.
It is going to be exciting see how these hearts and hands and will become the instruments of God extended hands to the lovely people of Haiti.
Each of the team members are having a chapter written on there hearts by God. They are following. The song below describes their obedience.
Charlie Kuhl
February 28th to March 7th Trip Leader
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