Hi all! This is Lauren again!
I titled my blog simplicity today because that was my word of the day. I chose this word because this is something that I have been feeling since I've arrived in Haiti. Life here is so simple and so joyful. At home we tend to focus on all the material things and that those are the things that will make us happy and bring us the joy and comfort we think is important. I tend to disagree with this now that I have experienced this great place. The people of Haiti take great joy in relationships, spending time with people and the blessings that God has given them. It has given me a new perspective on my life and what I find to be important and know that I have been forever changed by these amazing Godly people.
Today we started off the day by going to the market in Titayen. I felt like the minority for sure, as I'm sure most of the team did. This was an experience I will never forget. The people were selling fruits, vegetables, clothes, shoes, goats, medicines and home-made food just to name a few. I have never seen so many bananas before in my life! After the market we went back up to Grace Village for a little bit so Charlie could see it since he stayed back at the house yesterday. It is just so beautiful up there. The local children saw us coming and ran after the truck up to the village. I met a new boy today named Nelson who was 12. He was the sweetest little boy ever. He had bracelets in his hand and asked if I wanted to buy one. I told him I didn't have any money and that was the end of the conversation. When we were getting ready to leave I gave him a hug and kiss and he handed the bracelet to me saying it was a gift from him to me. This moved me in a very big way. What a simple gesture that will forever be on my heart.
The rest of the day we got to visit the elders and go to Ivonne's orphange. I loved seeing the elders that Healing Haiti sponsors. They are the sweetest people. Charlie had the opportunity to bring a sleeping mat to a 103 year old woman whom he had met on a previous trip and saw she was in need of one. It was amazing to see the joy this brought to not only her face but also Charlie's to see that this will make a difference in her life. We also had the opportunity to visit Jude Jean Paul a 19 year old handicapped boy. He was beautiful in every way. We got the chance to pray over him and visit with his mom in their home. What an impact he had on the entire team. His life is such a blessing and I know God has a great plan for him! We also visited a couple, Pierre August and Laurissain who live right by Grace Village. I think for everyone they had the most impact on us. We were able to give them 2 bags of toiletries that gave them such great joy. We think of these things as necessities and things that we just always should have and to them these things were such a blessing. Pierre started jumping around, crying and praising God for the things we had brought him. He was giving everyone hugs and couldn't stop exuding pure joy for the things he had just received. This experience was incredibly moving and humbling.
We went to our second orphanage of the trip today. It was Ivonne's orphange. These children will also be moved up to Grace Village once it is completed. I love going and seeing these beautiful children. We arrived and they sang worship songs to us and prayed. God was smiling down on that place today with all those amazingly beautiful faces. We were able to play with bubbles, do jump rope, paint nails and make bracelets. Again simple activities that brought great joy to these children and to us as well. I spent the whole time with a sweet little 7 year old girl who never told me her name and would barely smile. She clung to me and wouldn't leave my side to play with any of the children. She just wanted to be held and loved. She will forever be in my heart. I just loved her! Again just a blessed day here in Haiti filled with many great experiences. I have been able to experience God's love in a new way and it will forever change the person I am!
Glwa pou Bondye
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