Welcome to the Healing Haiti + Eagle Brook Mission Blog. We invite you to follow mission team members as they experience what God is doing both through them and in them while in the mission field of Haiti.

'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Water Truck Day

Wow, what an amazing day in Citie Soleil delivering water. I was extremely impressed with the teams' work ethic and the way we all worked hard together to get as many people their much needed water. The water truck workers and our leaders mentioned that they had never seen a team work so hard and on a united front than the way we worked today. I was hard work, and was a little intense and overwhelming at times, but we did a great job and encouraged one another when needed.

We went to stops 17, 19 and 21 which were the same stops we made my first trip down. I was super excited when I got to reunite with Fabian, a girl I met last summer. I got a pic with her and will try to add it to this post when I get a chance. At stop 17 we got a chance to walk out to the ocean as a group. We walked over broken glass, cans, garbage, feces and pee to get to the penninsula and it was so heart breaking to hear that we were walking in these Haitian's bathroom. This is also the place where they bury their loved ones because they can't afford any other way. Junior, one of the translators, explained to us that there is a bathroom facility, but it costs 1 Haitian dollar and most of these people don't even have enough money to provide food for their family let alone spend it on using a bathroom. It is quite difficult to understand and comprehend how little the Haitians in Citie Soleil have to survive, yet they are so full of smiles for us when we come to visit and they love on us and protect us while we are visiting. They are full of a joy that can only come from the Lord and I am in awe of their resilience and of their faith in God. We sang with the children, "God is so good, is so good, is so good" over and over and over again. The children loved it and danced with us praising Jesus. What an awesome experience!

The bucket lines  were pretty intense, like I mentioned before. I had opportunities on each stop to work the line and let me tell you.....It was increasingly hectic and aggressive at each of the stops and it dawned on me at one point that these people were so desperate for water that they were going to do everything in their power to get their buckets filled. Mothers with children running around them hoping for all of their buckets to get filled to sustain them until Healing Haiti returns to deliver more free water. They do not know when the next visit will be, so they NEED it now. Budging, shoving and pushing buckets in your face to fill were just a few things we experienced. The line seemed to never end and when we ran out of water it broke my heart to have to tell them we were all out of water.

All in all we had a fabulous first day of serving. We gave everything we had today and are praying for God to rejuvenate us for tomorrow and give us the energy needed to serve in any way we can. To God we give all the glory today and always. He is doing a mighty work in us and is transforming us from the inside out.



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