Welcome to the Healing Haiti + Eagle Brook Mission Blog. We invite you to follow mission team members as they experience what God is doing both through them and in them while in the mission field of Haiti.

'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Monday, October 31, 2011

Dreaming Wide Awake

A team of 8 people gathered at 4 am to have their worlds changed. The trip here was uneventful and we arrived safely although not unchanged. I opened my eyes in the airplane to see the most beautiful scenery imaginable. It was difficult to know if I was still dreaming. The land is lush and the water is a perfect shade of blue. Mountains in the background and island spread before me. I felt like we were headed to a vacation destination. Just as I decide I am dreaming I see small square cinder block houses which lead into smaller shacks with tin roofs until you see a dense patch of tent cities. We land and are overwhelmed with the realization that we will be forever changed. While we knew coming here that we would be different the realization is far greater than the knowing. Some of our teammates expressed the overwhelming feeling of walking out of the airport to people shouting, just trying to make a living. Defenses high we stand in apprehension but it only took minutes to find the genuine smile and interaction in the local people. Our minds had been prepared for the mental imagery that we did see but nothing could have prepared us for the scent of poverty that greeted us. We drove through the streets of chaos to land in what might just be a slice of heaven at the guest house. The feeling of anointment is filled everywhere in the guest house as the team discusses the impressions left from the day. The stark contrast of the chaos of the streets to the peace in the house.
The contrast of our impression of poverty to the sincere joy in the smiles of the local people. We thought that people would need us to bring them light because of their devastation but really they bring us light in their ability to find real pleasure in simplicity . To some it feels like home, to all of us it feels right. We so look forward to what God has brought us to do and what He has brought to us. And we are certain that we are building fantastic relationships with each other.
submitted by Elizabeth

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bittersweet Sunday

The title of bittersweet Sunday reflects what many of us are feeling as we pack up and prepare to leave tomorrow. Sweet for the joy of serving others and growing as a team, bitter for leaving a country and people that need so much and yet are so appreciative of the small acts of kindness that each person on this team has extended to them. Today we toured Port Au Prince and then went up into the mountains that over look the city. Downtown at one time was a beautiful city, vibrant and busseling with business said FanFan. But today as we drive through the town, you see the crumbled buildings, the crowded streets and the tent cities that many are still living in.

Yet, the people smile, kids wave and life goes on. The words: grateful, blessed, and thankful come to mind as I reflect on our life in the US. I will never take for granted the things I have or the food I eat and the clean water I drink. As we stand at the look out point on top of the mountain looking over Port Au Prince I am awestruck at how quiet and peaceful it looks from here. I wonder to myself what Jesus would say if He was here looking at the city. I believe He would weep for His children and their suffering. Jesus stated we are His hands and feet and when we extend ourselves in whatever way to help those in need, we have done it unto Him.

Let's pay it forward and as our team returns home, each one of us will hopefully take what we have experienced and pay it forward to our families, neighbors, friends, and the elderly. I have been honored to have had the priviledge of participating in this journey with others that are now friends. I look forward to seeing how each of them grows in their walk with Christ as well as how He will use this experience in the transformation of their faith and their lives.

We thank everyone for actively reading our daily blogs and pray that our journey in Haiti has perhaps inspired you in a personal way to live more obediently in your walk with God or maybe perhaps take a leap of faith and go on a short term mission such as this. You already know you would have our support and encouragement. :)

In Christ,

Team 3

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Selfless Saturday

Today was our last service day. We were lucky to be able to go on two water truck runs and visit the people of Cite Soleil. The children again were remarkably friendly and appreciative of the water and our interaction with them. We held babies, played with older children (they learned the Hokey-Pokey and turned themselves around and giggled) and helped carry water back to their homes. The buckets are so very heavy and it is unbelievable how strong the little children are. We were sweating and drained after a few trips but the beautiful smiles of the children kept us energized. A good example of the compassion they have for each other is the following. One little girl asked a team member to help her carry this huge bucket of water. As it was being carried a young boy pointed out that it was leaking and the precious water was being lost. No empty bucket was immediately available but another boy came along with a full bucket of water in the wheelbarrow. He put his bucket on the head of the little girl and put her container into the wheelbarrow. We were so impressed with his ingenuity. We will miss visiting this welcoming community of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We wanted to bless them but they blessed us. Our next stop was San Fils which is a shelter for adults who are sick. We were privileged to interact with at least 24 women. We massaged their arms and legs. The expressions in their faces were priceless. We heard many meci (thank yous in Creole). It's amazing how when you are focused on another person's needs, your comfort zone increases. No hesitation to touch a sick stranger. The person is another child of God. Again, we are hoping that what we are experiencing here in Haiti will help us to be more responsive to needs we see at home.

Tomorrow we will start our day with a church service at the guesthouse led by Fanfan. The rest of the day we will be sightseeing and touring the island. We will be able to go up in the mountains and see the tremendous views. God certainly knows how to create beauty.

Thanks for all your support. Please keep praying for our team as we wind down the week.

Kathy, Derek, Don and Sheryl
Team 3

Friday, October 28, 2011


Friday was a very special day. We were blessed with the opportunity to visit with several elders who live in the town Titanyen. One of the elders we visited was this man in the photo whose name is Edmund. He is about 80 years old and is blind. He has a son but he doesn't help care for him so he is an orphaned elder. His house consisted of a uneven dirt floor and tarps for walls held together by sticks. We had brought him a care package, some bananas and hot dogs from the market, and a bottle of COLD water. We sang for him, prayed over him, and rubbed some lotion on his legs. We visited 5 other elders, each with their own special situations, but all of them really appreciated being prayed over and having human touch. We were honored to have been God's hands and feet to these people. Today reminded all of us about the elderly back home who are also alone and may need special attention and love.

In contrast, our next stop was to Yvone's Orphanage. What a surprise! The 40 kids greeted us with songs. Their voices were beautiful (we have it on video). They were so full of life and very excited about every activity we did. One of the activities we did was to make colorful pasta necklaces. We had the kids sit down in individual stations and they were all fully engaged in the craft. After we had tied the beautiful necklaces around their necks we blew up some balloons and beach balls. It was somewhat chaotic but the kids had a blast and we did also. It's refreshing to see the kids be so appreciative of the smallest of things and grateful for any time that is spent with them and also very respectful of adults. These Haitian children could set a good example for the children back home.

All in all, today was very exhausting but well worth it. Bumping around in the taptap on these Haitians roads really can take a toll on your body. We thank God so much for the taptap for without which we couldn't have met these people who now hold a special place in our hearts.

Thanks for your continued prayers,
Sheryl & Kathy
Team 3

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Slice of Heaven

Today we were blessed with the opportunity to see Grace Village, Alyn Shannon's dream come true. Grace Village is a beautiful orphange sponsored by Healing Haiti. The first three buildings are in the final stages of completion, with the orphans hopefully moving in some time early in the new year. Grace Village is up in the mountains and has a beautiful view of the bright blue ocean. Absolutely gorgeous!

But before we made it to Grace Village we made a stop at one of the mass burial sites from those that lost their lives in the earthquake. Black wooden crosses were strewn all across the expanse. There were a couple bigger crosses throughout the land. Up the mountain a bit more was a large metal cross with ribbon tied to it. It broke my heart knowing that so many of the friends we have met this week all have family, friends and loved ones buried their. All of their lives changed dramatically that January day.

On our way to Guillaume's Orphange we made a quick stop at a school where we dropped of school supplies. We went in a kindergarten room where all the kids started chanting "HEY YOU! HEY YOU! HEY YOU!" This is about all the English the kids here in Haiti know and they know it will catch our attention. Then they left their class room and surrounded us. At this point it seemed as if the temperature of the semi-outdoor school went up to 100 degrees!

The last stop of the day was Guillaume's Orphanage. We brought a craft to do with the children. They were all well behaved that they waited for us to set up before swarming us. We dyed hollow pasta that the children could string and make necklaces. They just loved it and had lots of fun. After the pasta necklaces we sang songs and played soccer and the kids were so excited to have all the attention from us. On top of all that fun, Alli brought glasses for the few kids that needed them after the eye exams she performed last month when she was here. The five children who received the glasses were so excited to be able to see and loved having their photos taken so they could see what they looked like with their new glasses on. Such a blessing that Alli was able to check all the children's eyes and only a few actually needed glasses. Praise God!

In Him,
Hannah, Team 3

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

Today our team visited the home for sick and dying children and Gertrudes home for mentally and physically handicapped children. The home for sick and dying children was a mix of sadness and joy. Seeing babies alone crying in a crib with no one around to comfort breaks your heart. I am transfixed as I watch one of my teammates extend his finger for a small baby to hold as he was holding another child in his arms. The small act of connection stopped the babies cries. When he attempted to remove his finger the crying would start. They say we all crave the touch of another and I was moved as I witnessed that event happen before me.

I observe another teammate holding two children and carrying them around the grounds and I can still see the smiles and giggles as they go by me. As I am sitting in some shade a little girl around 3 comes up to me and looks at me. Her expression was not one of fear or apprehension, it was a look that pleaded for me to hold her. I put my arms toward her and she wrapped her little arms around my waist and placed her head against my thigh. I lifted her up and held her against my chest and I could feel her fever coming off her body. She did not speak, she did not move, she lowered her head against my shoulder and fell asleep all the while holding my finger with one of her hands. At that moment time stood still, and I reflected on Matthew 25:40: "And the King will say, I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me." I was moved at the simplicity and beauty of the touch of human kindness. Christ extended himself as the ultimate expression of giving to us by giving of Himself. In some small way, that moment in time mattered to that little girl. Will she live, will she get better? I don't know the answer but what I do know, is that today the children of both places we visited had someone express kindness, caring and the gift of human touch that expressed that they mattered, they have purpose and most of all, they are not forgotten.

D.M Co-leader Team #3

This afternoon we had the honor of joining two sisters in a journey to the wound clinic that we'll never forget. This experience was the ability for us to witness living angels that operate this wound clinic for free to serve the needy and share the Gospel. Hundreds of local Haitians were raising their hands in a beautiful worship service across the street from this clinic. This wound clinic is something that locals can rely on for their injury needs while getting a reminder of their salvation in Jesus. The beauty in the gratitude these people have for the care that was given to them was awesome.

Our last patient at the clinic was a 2 year old girl that had a leg burn needing updated bandages. As another teammate and I assisted and did our best to comfort this beautiful little child, our eyes nearly filled with tears of mercy for this young girl suffering. A few (long) minutes later the little girls painful cries ended and her new bandages in place.

So the question is~ "What is God trying to teach us today?"

D.R.H. Team 3 mission member

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tap Tap Tuesday

Today was water truck day. Our team delivered over 15,000 gallons of water to 3 different locations. Water, such a basic fundamental of life and one that we cannot live long without. It was amazing to watch this team pull together and help out each other as well as stepping in and assisting carrying 5 gallon water buckets for the young and the elderly. I was awestruck observing an elderly woman around 70 yrs old, pick up a 5 gallon bucket full of water, place it on her head and walk over a block to her small hut she lived in. This water we delivered to the Haitians is free. Most of all water delivered outside of the service we are providing will have a fee per bucket, unfortunately many cannot afford the fee and will go without water for days until a free delivery arrives. Healing Haiti funds and pays for the water that is delivered to the people. Clean water is essential to help keep the spread of cholera from the people.

After returning from our day in the hot sun we had our word of the day. Each member provided a word that described their experience today. Words such as: Enjoyable, Cross of Christ, smile, selfless, touched and frustrated. Frustrated that we had to leave without filling all of the other buckets that were not filled, frustrated that we had to leave when mothers begged for us to help their sick children, frustrated that young children would rub thier stomachs and say they were hungry. We know we can only do so much and we do much with the time and resources we have, and we know that what we do for the least of these we have done undo Him that has done so much for us.

Tomorrow we head the two orphanages to deliver supplies and help out with sick and dying children and children with special needs.

PS. Thank you for the note former team 3 mates from last yr. Tom, thank you for saving me some hot sauce and yes Tom, I did guy pie just for you.

Team 3 Co-leader: Don Moe

Monday, October 24, 2011

Marvelous Monday

Hello Friends! Team 3 made it to Haiti safe and sound! As hectic as we all thought the trip here would be, it went extremely smooth. All of us are running on little or no sleep at all but managed to pull through by the grace of God. The most exciting part was when we could see Haiti's coastline through the window of the airplane. The temperature when we had landed was 91 and humid, but it was a welcome change. We called going through the Haiti airport and immigration "the gauntlet" as it was really hectic and there were Haitians yelling over each other as they were competing for our business to wheel our luggage out and get it loaded. We met Jean who picked us up from the airport in the taptap (our transportation for the week) and he drove us up the winding uneven, bumpy and dusty roads of Port Au Prince. On our way, we saw a lot of animals running wild through the streets such as chickens, pigs, dogs and goats. Not to mention, several smiling children who were following behind us. As we arrived at the gated entrance of our guest house we were in awe of how nice it was. It is a pretty large house with several rooms and bathrooms, a nice sitting area, and a fairly long dining room table that we got to eat our tasty spaghetti dinner on tonight with Fanfan and Jean. After dinner we had our devotional time and just reflected on the day’s journey here. Tomorrow is going to be a busy water truck day as we will be doing several runs delivering clean water to the most poverty stricken areas. We all are looking forward to a good night’s sleep so we can be well rested for a big day tomorrow.

Until then,
Team 3

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Team 3 Ready For Take Off!

Bonjou Everyone!
This is Kathy from Team 3. We are the first team out of the three teams that will be going down to Haiti. We were originally not supposed to go down to Haiti until the week before Thanksgiving, however, there was a scheduling conflict with another group so our trip was moved forward by 3 weeks. That had thrown everyone for a loop as we had to get our schedules changed and prepare ourselves to go sooner. In the end we all grew closer because of it and like it says in Matthew 20:16 "so the last shall become first and the first become last." I am so very thankful for my awesome group and everyone who contributed to our trip through financial donations, donation of goods, and mostly for all the prayers said and prayers yet to be said. Last night was the Prayer and Commissioning service at Eagle Brook Church, the Lino Lakes campus. We had a special treat as Jeff Gacek, co-founder of Healing Haiti, made a special visit to come and talk to us and share with us his heart for Haiti. He said that God had chosen Haiti for him, he didn't choose Haiti for himself. Just as God had chose Haiti for all of us. It was a great send off as we were all surrounded by our family and friends in prayer. Thank you to everyone who came to support us. We will be thinking of you all this upcoming week and will miss you. Please pray for a safe trip down to Haiti early Monday morning, our plane takes off at 6am. Next post will be from Haiti! We are all so excited to be able to serve the people of Haiti and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Take care everyone! Ke'
Bondye Beni'ou! (God bless you!) ~Kathy