Today our team visited the home for sick and dying children and Gertrudes home for mentally and physically handicapped children. The home for sick and dying children was a mix of sadness and joy. Seeing babies alone crying in a crib with no one around to comfort breaks your heart. I am transfixed as I watch one of my teammates extend his finger for a small baby to hold as he was holding another child in his arms. The small act of connection stopped the babies cries. When he attempted to remove his finger the crying would start. They say we all crave the touch of another and I was moved as I witnessed that event happen before me.
I observe another teammate holding two children and carrying them around the grounds and I can still see the smiles and giggles as they go by me. As I am sitting in some shade a little girl around 3 comes up to me and looks at me. Her expression was not one of fear or apprehension, it was a look that pleaded for me to hold her. I put my arms toward her and she wrapped her little arms around my waist and placed her head against my thigh. I lifted her up and held her against my chest and I could feel her fever coming off her body. She did not speak, she did not move, she lowered her head against my shoulder and fell asleep all the while holding my finger with one of her hands. At that moment time stood still, and I reflected on Matthew 25:40: "And the King will say, I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me." I was moved at the simplicity and beauty of the touch of human kindness. Christ extended himself as the ultimate expression of giving to us by giving of Himself. In some small way, that moment in time mattered to that little girl. Will she live, will she get better? I don't know the answer but what I do know, is that today the children of both places we visited had someone express kindness, caring and the gift of human touch that expressed that they mattered, they have purpose and most of all, they are not forgotten.
D.M Co-leader Team #3
This afternoon we had the honor of joining two sisters in a journey to the wound clinic that we'll never forget. This experience was the ability for us to witness living angels that operate this wound clinic for free to serve the needy and share the Gospel. Hundreds of local Haitians were raising their hands in a beautiful worship service across the street from this clinic. This wound clinic is something that locals can rely on for their injury needs while getting a reminder of their salvation in Jesus. The beauty in the gratitude these people have for the care that was given to them was awesome.
Our last patient at the clinic was a 2 year old girl that had a leg burn needing updated bandages. As another teammate and I assisted and did our best to comfort this beautiful little child, our eyes nearly filled with tears of mercy for this young girl suffering. A few (long) minutes later the little girls painful cries ended and her new bandages in place.
So the question is~ "What is God trying to teach us today?"
D.R.H. Team 3 mission member