This is Kathy from Team 3. We are the first team out of the three teams that will be going down to Haiti. We were originally not supposed to go down to Haiti until the week before Thanksgiving, however, there was a scheduling conflict with another group so our trip was moved forward by 3 weeks. That had thrown everyone for a loop as we had to get our schedules changed and prepare ourselves to go sooner. In the end we all grew closer because of it and like it says in Matthew 20:16 "so the last shall become first and the first become last." I am so very thankful for my awesome group and everyone who contributed to our trip through financial donations, donation of goods, and mostly for all the prayers said and prayers yet to be said. Last night was the Prayer and Commissioning service at Eagle Brook Church, the Lino Lakes campus. We had a special treat as Jeff Gacek, co-founder of Healing Haiti, made a special visit to come and talk to us and share with us his heart for Haiti. He said that God had chosen Haiti for him, he didn't choose Haiti for himself. Just as God had chose Haiti for all of us. It was a great send off as we were all surrounded by our family and friends in prayer. Thank you to everyone who came to support us. We will be thinking of you all this upcoming week and will miss you. Please pray for a safe trip down to Haiti early Monday morning, our plane takes off at 6am. Next post will be from Haiti! We are all so excited to be able to serve the people of Haiti and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Take care everyone! Ke' Bondye Beni'ou! (God bless you!) ~Kathy
God bless all of you for the work that you will be doing in Haiti. We are all praying for you to be effective servants on this trip. Can't wait to hear your stories when you return.