After returning from our day in the hot sun we had our word of the day. Each member provided a word that described their experience today. Words such as: Enjoyable, Cross of Christ, smile, selfless, touched and frustrated. Frustrated that we had to leave without filling all of the other buckets that were not filled, frustrated that we had to leave when mothers begged for us to help their sick children, frustrated that young children would rub thier stomachs and say they were hungry. We know we can only do so much and we do much with the time and resources we have, and we know that what we do for the least of these we have done undo Him that has done so much for us.
Tomorrow we head the two orphanages to deliver supplies and help out with sick and dying children and children with special needs.
PS. Thank you for the note former team 3 mates from last yr. Tom, thank you for saving me some hot sauce and yes Tom, I did guy pie just for you.
Team 3 Co-leader: Don Moe
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