The title of bittersweet Sunday reflects what many of us are feeling as we pack up and prepare to leave tomorrow. Sweet for the joy of serving others and growing as a team, bitter for leaving a country and people that need so much and yet are so appreciative of the small acts of kindness that each person on this team has extended to them. Today we toured Port Au Prince and then went up into the mountains that over look the city. Downtown at one time was a beautiful city, vibrant and busseling with business said FanFan. But today as we drive through the town, you see the crumbled buildings, the crowded streets and the tent cities that many are still living in.
Yet, the people smile, kids wave and life goes on. The words: grateful, blessed, and thankful come to mind as I reflect on our life in the US. I will never take for granted the things I have or the food I eat and the clean water I drink. As we stand at the look out point on top of the mountain looking over Port Au Prince I am awestruck at how quiet and peaceful it looks from here. I wonder to myself what Jesus would say if He was here looking at the city. I believe He would weep for His children and their suffering. Jesus stated we are His hands and feet and when we extend ourselves in whatever way to help those in need, we have done it unto Him.
Let's pay it forward and as our team returns home, each one of us will hopefully take what we have experienced and pay it forward to our families, neighbors, friends, and the elderly. I have been honored to have had the priviledge of participating in this journey with others that are now friends. I look forward to seeing how each of them grows in their walk with Christ as well as how He will use this experience in the transformation of their faith and their lives.We thank everyone for actively reading our daily blogs and pray that our journey in Haiti has perhaps inspired you in a personal way to live more obediently in your walk with God or maybe perhaps take a leap of faith and go on a short term mission such as this. You already know you would have our support and encouragement. :)
In Christ,
Team 3
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