I look around and nothing has changed, yet I have changed. Our Haitian mission trip is now a flood of memories. Peoples faces lighting up when you simply smile and say hello.A sick little girl who only wanted to be held. The tears on an old man's face when kissed by a team member. The hug from an old woman when her water bucket was carried. Frustration in not being able to help the sick in City Soliel. The feeling of hopelessness in not being able to solve the problems we've seen.
Welcome to the Healing Haiti + Eagle Brook Mission Blog. We invite you to follow mission team members as they experience what God is doing both through them and in them while in the mission field of Haiti.
'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Saturday, November 12, 2011
What now?
I look around and nothing has changed, yet I have changed. Our Haitian mission trip is now a flood of memories. Peoples faces lighting up when you simply smile and say hello.A sick little girl who only wanted to be held. The tears on an old man's face when kissed by a team member. The hug from an old woman when her water bucket was carried. Frustration in not being able to help the sick in City Soliel. The feeling of hopelessness in not being able to solve the problems we've seen.
Today, five team members went to the Wound Clinic in Port-au-Prince. Our team was blessed with three experienced nurses and a pharmacist. Seeing them in action at the clinic made me so thankful fo

Each team member was given an invitation from our Father to come on this mission. Thankfully, each team member was obedient and accepted His invitation. Not only have we strengthened our relationship with God, but we have been blessed with many new lifelong relationships.
I am thankful for having the privilege to serve the Haitians, the remarkable Healing Haiti staff, the many new friendships, the messages God has revealed to the team, God shining His light through all of the team members and for reminding me of what being obedient and committed to Him really means.
Thank you Father God for an amazing experience, all the glory goes to You.
Our Hatian friends...we will miss you!

Friday, November 11, 2011
beautiful day
Thursday, November 10, 2011
After visiting one of the many mass grave sites in Haiti (a result of the earthquake on January 12, 2010) our day began by touring Healing Haiti's Grace Village in Titanyen. I visited Grace Village exactly one year ago on my first journey to Haiti. I felt pure hope and joy as we drove through the gates of Grace Village to see the progress that has been made. The feeding house and the children's dorms were colorful, welcoming and secure. To think, two people that went on a mission trip several years ago made this all happen.
Simple acts are so meaningful to people in need.
How can we let God transform us into new people and change the way we think and act? What more can we do to make a difference? God sent our team here for a reason and know he will reveal his plans to us in his own time through worship and prayer. There is so much to be done, but am hopeful by what has already been done and what is still yet to come.
All the glory to God.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Hope and Loss
For months I've thought of a 2 year old girl whose big brown eyes could look right through you. Her smile brightened the room and her hugs could melt the hardest of hearts. Last February I had to walk out of her nursery, forever hearing her cries that echoed through my heart.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
delivering water
gorgeous pink flowers
Cite Soleil
Monday, November 7, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
As we began our decent into Haiti, the view was spectacular seeing the mountains, blue ocean and green lush fields. For those of us returning, we almost forgot the reality of the conditions in Port a Prince.
Only a few mishaps along the way - Dave lost his wallet at the Haitian airport (the good news is he won't buy any Haitian art)! Luckily an honest Haitian returned it to him. We tagged our luggage with pink duct tape only to find out another missionary team used the same color tape on their luggage. We had some of their luggage and they had some of ours. Other than that, it was smooth sailing.
We were welcomed outside the airport by Jean and the Healing Haiti Taptap packed with over 30 suitcases mostly filled with donations for the elderly, orphanages and the tent cities.
We arrived at the guest house to a wonderful Mexican dinner. Everyone met Jean and Fanfan (our Haitian hosts) and are excited for the journey we are about to embark on. We spent time after dinner sharing a "word" of the day. Some of the words shared are as follows - honesty, well prepared, grateful, hopeful, privileged, tired, friendship, comprehend, overwhelming, surreal and thankful.
We look forward to our time together this week as we serve our Father God. Our team has arrived with open hearts and no expectations. Tomorrow is our first water truck day in Cite Soleil in 95 degree weather. We cannot wait to experience what God has in store for us.
Team #2
Sunday, November 6, 2011
On our last full day of being the hands and feet of God, we were blessed with yet another day of great spirits and joyful hearts among everyone on our team. With the chance to sleep in a little later than normal, we were greeeted with another delicious breakfast of eggs, pancakes, and fresh fruit. After breakfast, Fanfan led us in a church service worship on the veranda at the guest house. Fanfan is an amazing leader for Christ and the Lord truly speaks through him. Not to mention his amazing singing voice leading us in song.
After church, we had some down time as we waited for our driver. Junior showed up at noon although he didn't feel well at all! Many of the team members today said they saw Christ in Junior as he served us through driving and putting his sickness aside for God. We drove through downtown Port Au Prince and got the opportunity to see the lifestyle of the Haitians along with more of the devastation. But once again, we saw the positive attitude and joyful spirits in their eyes. Through Port Au Prince, we continued up the mountain side around twists and turns and switchbacks. We stopped at a couple shops along the side of the road and picked up some souvenirs. As we climbed up the mountain, the temperature fell and the humidity continued to rise. The vegetation on the side of the road reminded me of a rainforest as we drove through the clouds. The drive home was uneventful and we were all tired and hungry. I, like every other day, used the pool while some of the others rested, read, or connected with people back home. We were all excited to hear we were having tacos for dinner again!! After dinner, we again shared our words of the day along with where we saw Christ. Then we did some "administrative" things to wrap up the evening. Currently, everyone is packing and organizing what will be left behind as donations.
As our trip sadly draws to a close, there is only one word that can describe the entire week/experience and that is WOW! Every team member was wow'd multiple times everyday. Wow'd by the lifestyle in Haiti. Wow'd by the attitude in Haiti. Wow'd by the sights of Haiti. But most of all, wow'd by the amount of love, joy, and serving that is happening! Not only were we given the opportunity to serve the Lord, but we were constantly served throughout the week by the Healing Haiti staff. We cannot be grateful enough for everything they have done for us!! An amazing week and a wonderful experience!
Ke Bondye Beniou Haiti!!
Drew Gordon
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Our service itinerary is not ending.....It's just beginning
Its has been my word of the day for the whole week...even though it was vetoed to be able to duplicate words...
Today, truly is the end of our schedule of service in beautiful Haiti - tomorrow is a tour of Port Au Prince.
This trip has been packed full of new experiences, the least of which is my first blog...
Today was well planned by our leaders - their experience pays in dividends!!
The day entailed:
#1. (2) - 2500 gallon water truck runs in the morning to Cite Soliel
#2 Guest house for snack-n-nap
#3 The Home for the Sick and Dying to spread some love....
We had #1 and #3 in our previous days, but returning to these locations was pretty special because the suprise factor was gone. The team could focus in on the relationship - and we are all about relationships.
The #2 was a bit of a present - We came home to the sweet smell of Phoneses' cooking (stew for dinner), had a quick snack and all found a place to take a snore...
Heidi - you call that a cannonball....?
The Home for the Sick and Dying was a great stop.....again... I got to hang with the same little one I had already along with 3 others and a good game of soccer with Wilfred.
Content - is my word today as we wrapping up an awesome week.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Flat tire Friday
*Walked home from Church and greeted many Haitian school children.
* Noticed a huge hog sleeping on the side of the road- stopped to take pictures of this... Very cool knowing we have pigs pictures!
*Enjoyed another AWESOME breakfast with fresh eggs, pancakes, fresh squeezed juice, & french toast (or what Jean calls Creole Toast)
*Driving in Haiti, which can only be described as WOW! Every time we drive it seems like our jaw drops. Cars honking horns, cows on the side of the road, people darting across the street dodging traffic. Trucks passing sometimes 3 wide at a time... Very hectic, but it seems to work..
*Seeing UN trucks.. This is one thing that always fascinates me. Troops from Brazil, Uruguay, and a few others we are not sure of. They are all armed with an M-16 and a camera- kind of funny..
*Stopping at a check point
*Driving up the mountain to Titanyen.
*Stopping to pick up a few of our guides to assist with going to homes of orphaned elderly.
*Flat tire on our taptap (Our means of transportation)
*Walking up a dirt road with a beautiful ocean view at our back..
*One team member who was a little sick.. :(
*Fanfan praying for our team member.. :)
*All kinds of animals next to us.. Chickens, goats, pigs, cows, donkeys- just walking next to us also enjoying the sights..
*Grace Village, which is a newly constructed orphanage on 17 acres on the hillside overlooking the ocean.. Awesome to see this almost completed..
*Yvonne's orphanage- Our team visited here for a few hours this afternoon. The children were very excited to sing songs for us, we were very excited to play with them. Some read books to the kids, some painted faces and I played a very crazy game of "keep-a-way" it's amazing how fast a few hours goes by playing such simple games. Our team loved the experience!
*Taptap wouldn't start so we had to push to get it started.. Not a common issue, but just part of the adventure.
*Taptap gets stuck due to our road blocked.
*Pushing taptap out and driving back home.
*Dinner- which was made by Fonese, she is our guesthouse angel. Everyday we arrive back at the guesthouse with dinner cooking, our beds made, and our clothes freshly washed. We are treated VERY well and we are blessed to have such great hosts!!!!
*Group discussion about our word of the day and highlights.
I know this blog entry was very random, but so is an average day in Haiti.
When we first arrived on Monday I experienced a small taste of culture shock, but that quickly changed once we had a chance to get out and see how beautiful Haiti is. Our days seem to pass by so fast and we are able to savor the moment each day!
Thanks for following our team-
May God Bless You.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Amusing Tears Of Joy
We passed a funeral the first day we were in the city and everyone was wearing white as opposed to most people wearing black in the United States. Several Christian groups publicly declared their faith on the "Day of the Dead" or what we would call the "Day of the Belly ache" (the day after Halloween). Our eyes were opened to the celebration of meeting The Father from the Haitian perspective.
We then moved onto visit some elderly people in the village of Titanyen. Several of us had the privilage to assume the position of which Jesus set the example by rubbing lotion on the arms and legs of the elderly. This was far more satisfying than one would think. We delivered food and water while spreading the word of God. Their genuine spirit and faith touched our hearts. We were able to have lunch on the side of the road overlooking the ocean where we met a man who needed a ride. He attempted to hail a taxi several times but was unsuccessful. After awhile we decided the man was harmless and offered to take him down the road with his bushel of wood. It felt almost Biblical. How often do you get to help a man with a bushel of wood? As we were driving to the school we saw a man on the side of the road whose car had broken down. Junior pulled over to see what was the matter and we discovered the man was a pastor of a local church. I can only imagine that he had prayed for help and the prompting was delivered to our truck. We felt that Mathew 25:35 probaly includes giving rides to the stranded. I often think about people on the side of the road and wonder about the phrase "one of the least of these," we all felt proud to be able to live it for today. (All the while keeping safe for those worriers at home).
Almost as if God's journey for us today was to work backwards in the life cycle we ended our day by visiting a school, then an orphanage. The children at the school mobbed us with hugs, smiles and kisses. Two of our teammates commented on how they could see the image of Jesus sitting down and saying "let the children come to me" as Heidi sat on the floor and the children surrounded her. After we were nearly suffocated with love we went to Guillaume's orphanage. Once again we were greeted like Justin Beiber in a junior high school. We felt so loved and so needed. We had a great time with the kids. We played games, colored, gave lots of hugs and sang. Each visit reminds us that the thing we need most is each other. Afterall, we were created for relationships.
The hugs and cuddling were more valueable to them than anything we could bring them. We all felt the pure fun in this amusing day. Standing in reflection at the foothill of Grace Village we can feel the heaviness of the lack of opportunity for so many kids in this town. But on the other side the bright red heart of Healing Haiti stands out to represent the resounding effect that people can have on the future when we live out the example that was set for us.
submitted by Elizabeth
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
A Day in the Life of Healing Haiti
Let's start from the beginning. The girls woke up early to help precious Jean make breakfast (Jean is very quickly becoming my Haitian best friend. I'm sure he feels the same way...). I was a bit delayed in waking up, but as I rolled out of bed into the kitchen, I joined Shan in the art of french-toast-making. Under Jean's watchful eye, we successfully prepared scrumptious french toast for our oh-so-affirmative team (heavy on the sarcasm... but just kidding now, because after tonight, we have become aware of our love languages, and I'm sure words of affirmation will be lathered on from this point forward).
After we filled our bellies, we dressed up in our Sunday best and headed out the door to our "Dan-Dan" (ask Punch for the story). Bumping and rocking, we made our way to the Home for the Sick and Dying. Voices praising God in Creole greeted us as we were introduced to the nuns and were given a tour of our surroundings. Hmmm, how can I describe what I saw? Cribs were tightly lined up throughout the room, nuns and volunteers were pacing up and down the rows, and our team was trying to squeeze into any space we could fit into. As I looked throughout the room letting all this soak in, there were these big, brown eyes that locked with mine.... and I knew just right where to start. I grabbed this sweet 18-month-girl (who I later found out is named Julianne), took her out into the courtyard, and starting making a friend. It was a neat sight to look up shortly after and see each team member grab a baby themselves and shower them with all the affection in the world. Or more accurately, shower them with all the affection Christ Himself has given to us. As Shan said, "Let's love on these kids!" and that's exactly what we did.... for hours. Praise Jesus for the time to pray over those kids, kiss their soft skin, and sing their nursery songs right along with their little voices.
It was time to go sooner than we would have liked, but we took comfort in the fact that we would return in a few hours. What would a mission trip be without an obstacle though? When we walked out of the Home for the Sick and Dying, our Taptap had a flat tire. I'm not a man, so I can't give you the technical terms of what happened or even give you a detailed description, but our male counterparts jumped at the chance to use their hands and helped our Haitian friends do what they could do. Thanks to the help of a random man (I still haven't figured out where he came from); we replaced the flat with a spare and were on our way. (I should mention the ladies made themselves very useful and built relationships with the Haitian women overlooking the scene.) I would say overall it was a pretty awesome bonding experience!
Next Stop: Guertrude's Orphanage which housed special needs children. Our host, Fanfan, led the way into the home with his guitar and as we walked into each of the rooms, we were further introduced to each age group of children. We waved and said, "Bonswa!" as we weaved throughout the house looking for a place to begin. The charge started with Fanfan as he shouted, "Feed the kids!" Some of our team members were handed bowls and they sat down in the nearest chair. Arms lifted with a spoon in hand, our team set aside any fear or anxiety and they served these kid-os and fed them their lunch meal. Some situations were challenging, but many of our team members were able to literally experience Matthew 25:35,40 where Jesus said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me...Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Personally, I was able to spend a good chunk of my time with a boy named Maurice who joined the orphanage that day. He is a sweet boy living with a form of autism, and he reminded me of this kid-o back home that I have the privilege of working with. Thanks to this previous experience I knew to squeeze Maurice's hands and arms knowing that he would respond well to physical touch; he totally did! I hope the Lord used me to make this boy feel safe and comfortable at his new home. Hmmm, I love it when our God proves Himself faithful.
After we finished up our time at Guertrude's, we hopped back on the taptap and headed back to the Home for the Sick and Dying after a few swigs of water. This time, our team headed towards the second floor where the toddlers were staying. Most of the kid-os remembered us (more importantly, remembered their special person), and we picked up where we left off. Fanfan grabbed his guitar and shouted songs of praise to our Savior and the kids shouted back just as loud. The swarm of kids around each of the team members was so encouraging; the Lord creates bonds in the power of His love that none of us could ever make on our own. I was able to sneak away after my little girl left my lap to return downstairs to the babies. Punch beat me to it, but I found Julianne and scooped her up as soon as her brown eyes looked up into mine. There's nothing better than when a pensive child nestles her head into your chest because she trusts you... and that's what Julianne did at the end of the day. Thank you God for the love your little ones show us. If I fell in love with this precious girl only a couple hours after meeting her, how much more does her Heavenly Father love her who has not only created her but has known her all her life? Wow. Just wow.
At the end of the night, our team worked our way into our spots in the living room and we started to debrief the day. We shared words such as surrender, love, helpless, and embrace (those that know me may be surprised to hear embrace was not my word!). We saw Christ from the eyes of the little ones to the workers at the special needs orphanage to the blue sky surrounding us. Man, you guys, our Lord was with us, surrounding us, holding us, sustaining us, encouraging us, strengthening us, and most importantly, He was working in each of our hearts to make us more like Him.
I want to leave you with a psalm that has done nothing but encourage my heart and mind as I've encountered each difficult and joyful moment alike:
"I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
He who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, He who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm—
He will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore."
Psalm 121:1-8
Peeps, doesn't that make you want to praise Jesus?! I don't know about you, but my team intends to do just that in the days to come.
Signing off (I've always wanted to say that),
Heidi Stoltz
Deemed MVD (Most Valuable Dancer) by Jean, Salsa Master
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Open the eyes of my heart
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart,
I want to see you, I want to see you
This morning, as we pulled onto the streets of Haiti in our taptap, I began to sing this song and the group joined in. Together, we asked God to open the eyes of our hearts.
With our own eyes we were able to see the tent cities, the tin roofed shantis, the homes made of sheets, and the streets covered in trash.
We could see the sewage along the sides of the roads, the pigs and goats and roosters feeding on the piles of rubble. We were able to see the dirty water, the gates that lined the streets, the UN soldiers and Haitian police armed with their machine guns, and the images of poverty that we see in videos and commercials back home.
Our prayers were answered as we followed the water truck to our first stop in City Soleil, however, our hearts were able to see the things that our eyes could not. We were able to see the people of Haiti worshiping in the outdoor churches, hands and voices raised to the Lord. We were able to see the water trucks filling, over twenty of them, preparing to bring clean water to the streets of City Soleil. We were able to see the smiles of children as we drove by and waved. We were able to see the people of Haiti appreciating our service. We were able to see the affect our love can have on these people, and the greater affect it had on us.
With the eyes of our hearts, we were able to see past the nakedness, the dirt, the potential for diseases, and the possible danger. We were able to see the opportunities to be like Christ, to help these people carry their buckets of clean water home for the day, to see the the ways in which we could interact with these children and people and maybe, just maybe, make a small difference in their lives.
With our own eyes we see them as having nothing, however, with the eyes of our hearts we could see the incredible JOY these people have. Their joyous hearts are such an inspiration to our team. It is amazing to allow God to open the eyes of our hearts and to see the world the way Jesus would see it.
Today, my word for describing the day was: Jesus. I found myself often wondering, "What would Jesus do?" Jesus would pick up that naked child, carry that 5 gallon bucket, enter the winding paths to help deliver the clean water, go back again and again, and say hi to all the people He came in contact with. Jesus would love these people with an unconditional love and embrace this culture and beome a part of their lives. Like us, He would play London Bridges, Ring around the Rosie, Duck Duck Goose, and do the Hokey Pokey. He would hold the heavy hose as He fills the hundreds of buckets until the water runs out. Today, we were able to be His hands and feet, what an incredible opportunity.
To describe this day, the team used words like: Humbling, Compassion, Contentment, Peace, Grateful, Convicted, Praise, and WOW. The team saw Christ in the smiles of the children, the dirt on our shirts, the man that wanted to learn the "Our Father" prayer, the little girl who wanted to go home with us, the little boy with no pants on, the little girl singing "God is so good", the eye contact with the children, in our hosts (protectors and providers), and in all the people we were able to speak to.
Today, the eyes of our hearts were opened. We can only pray that our descriptions can help you see through our eyes, and that you can see the world the way Jesus might see it.
With love from Haiti, Team 1
Monday, October 31, 2011
Dreaming Wide Awake
The contrast of our impression of poverty to the sincere joy in the smiles of the local people. We thought that people would need us to bring them light because of their devastation but really they bring us light in their ability to find real pleasure in simplicity . To some it feels like home, to all of us it feels right. We so look forward to what God has brought us to do and what He has brought to us. And we are certain that we are building fantastic relationships with each other.
submitted by Elizabeth
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Bittersweet Sunday
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Selfless Saturday
Tomorrow we will start our day with a church service at the guesthouse led by Fanfan. The rest of the day we will be sightseeing and touring the island. We will be able to go up in the mountains and see the tremendous views. God certainly knows how to create beauty.
Thanks for all your support. Please keep praying for our team as we wind down the week.
Kathy, Derek, Don and Sheryl
Team 3
Friday, October 28, 2011
In contrast, our next stop was to Yvone's Orphanage. What a surprise! The 40 kids greeted us with songs. Their voices were
All in all, today was very exhausting but well worth it. Bumping around in the taptap on these Haitians roads really can take a toll on your body. We thank God so much for the taptap for without which we couldn't have met these people who now hold a special place in our hearts.
Thanks for your continued prayers,
Sheryl & Kathy
Team 3
Thursday, October 27, 2011
A Slice of Heaven
But before we made it to Grace Village we made a stop at one of the mass burial sites from those that lost their lives in the earthquake. Black wooden crosses were strewn all across the expanse. There were a couple bigger crosses throughout the land. Up the mountain a bit more was a large metal cross with ribbon tied to it. It broke my heart knowing that so many of the friends we have met this week all have family, friends and loved ones buried their. All of their lives changed dramatically that January day.
On our way to Guillaume's Orphange we made a quick stop at a school where we dropped of school supplies. We went in a kindergarten room where all the kids started chanting "HEY YOU! HEY YOU! HEY YOU!" This is about all the English the kids here in Haiti know and they know it will catch our attention. Then they left their class room and surrounded us. At this point it seemed as if the temperature of the semi-outdoor school went up to 100 degrees!
The last stop of the day was Guillaume's Orphanage. We brought a craft to do with the children. They were all well behaved that they waited for us to set up before swarming us. We dyed hollow pasta that the children could string and make necklaces. They just loved it and had lots of fun. After the pasta necklaces we sang songs and played soccer and the kids were so excited to have all the attention from us. On top of all that fun, Alli brought glasses for the few kids that needed them after the eye exams she performed last month when she was here. The five children who received the glasses were so excited to be able to see and loved having their photos taken so they could see what they looked like with their new glasses on. Such a blessing that Alli was able to check all the children's eyes and only a few actually needed glasses. Praise God!
In Him,
Hannah, Team 3
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wonderful Wednesday
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tap Tap Tuesday
Monday, October 24, 2011
Marvelous Monday
Hello Friends! Team 3 made it to Haiti safe and sound! As hectic as we all thought the trip here would be, it went extremely smooth. All of us are running on little or no sleep at all but managed to pull through by the grace of God. The most exciting part was when we could see Haiti's coastline through the window of the airplane. The temperature when we had landed was 91 and humid, but it was a welcome change. We called going through the Haiti airport and immigration "the gauntlet" as it was really hectic and there were Haitians yelling over each other as they were competing for our business to wheel our luggage out and get it loaded. We met Jean who picked us up from the airport in the taptap (our transportation for the week) and he drove us up the winding uneven, bumpy and dusty roads of Port Au Prince. On our way, we saw a lot of animals running wild through the streets such as chickens, pigs, dogs and goats. Not to mention, several smiling children who were following behind us. As we arrived at the gated entrance of our guest house we were in awe of how nice it was. It is a pretty large house with several rooms and bathrooms, a nice sitting area, and a fairly long dining room table that we got to eat our tasty spaghetti dinner on tonight with Fanfan and Jean. After dinner we had our devotional time and just reflected on the day’s journey here. Tomorrow is going to be a busy water truck day as we will be doing several runs delivering clean water to the most poverty stricken areas. We all are looking forward to a good night’s sleep so we can be well rested for a big day tomorrow.
Until then,
Team 3
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Team 3 Ready For Take Off!

This is Kathy from Team 3. We are the first team out of the three teams that will be going down to Haiti. We were originally not supposed to go down to Haiti until the week before Thanksgiving, however, there was a scheduling conflict with another group so our trip was moved forward by 3 weeks. That had thrown everyone for a loop as we had to get our schedules changed and prepare ourselves to go sooner. In the end we all grew closer because of it and like it says in Matthew 20:16 "so the last shall become first and the first become last." I am so very thankful for my awesome group and everyone who contributed to our trip through financial donations, donation of goods, and mostly for all the prayers said and prayers yet to be said. Last night was the Prayer and Commissioning service at Eagle Brook Church, the Lino Lakes campus. We had a special treat as Jeff Gacek, co-founder of Healing Haiti, made a special visit to come and talk to us and share with us his heart for Haiti. He said that God had chosen Haiti for him, he didn't choose Haiti for himself. Just as God had chose Haiti for all of us. It was a great send off as we were all surrounded by our family and friends in prayer. Thank you to everyone who came to support us. We will be thinking of you all this upcoming week and will miss you. Please pray for a safe trip down to Haiti early Monday morning, our plane takes off at 6am. Next post will be from Haiti! We are all so excited to be able to serve the people of Haiti and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Take care everyone! Ke' Bondye Beni'ou! (God bless you!) ~Kathy
Sunday, August 14, 2011
You Are My Friend Till the End

Hello! This is Fanfan, Amy and Lauren! Today is our last day in Haiti. This is a bittersweet moment for all of us. We had the great privilege of having Fanfan lead us in worship and prayer this morning. What a wonderful man of God he is! After this we packed up bags of shoes, toiletries, toys and packs of food that the White Bear Campus packed for Feed My Starving Children. We got to deliver these to a tent city that was in the neighborhood. The people were so excited to see us pull up. It broke our hearts to not be able to give something to everyone. During our visit there were many children following us up and down the narrow pathways between the tents. They became our tour guides through the city. It became a bit chaotic toward the end and we quickly headed out.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Lords Pharmacy
Living Water Trip #2

Hello everyone, it is me Amy. I am one of the more seasoned members of the team. Yep, I am over 25 years of age. Today our team split and 3 members went to the Clinic to help out and the rest experienced our second day out on the water truck. After 2 days of recovery from our first trip we were ready to face the masses. It started out with ride on the side of the water truck and managing to hold on and not burn one's arm on the muffler. We entered the first town of Cite Soleil to the clapping hands of a beautiful family. Everyone on the team jumped right in and if you weren't filling buckets, you were moving them thru la lin (the line). Of course we were never short of kids to hold, play with or love.
Friday, August 12, 2011

Hi all! This is Lauren again!